Assessment information
This page is to inform you of the assessments that are required to get into the college/university you'd like to attend. Most colleges require a certain score to attend their university. Check with the university website to see the particular requirements.

You don't need to worry about scheduling this one; Team Success does it for you. This assessment is taken every October during school time for students 8th-11th grade.
If you didn't do well on the PSAT, don't worry! There is a free web resource from the Khan Academy that will make a program just for you to work on the things you didn't do well on. You can only get better!!

SAT Test Dates (outside school)
The tests will be held at either Braden River High School or Manatee High School. When you register, you may pick your school based on the space available at the school.
The next test dates are:
November 4, 2023
December 2, 2023
March 9, 2024
May 4, 2023
Team Success will also have school day SATs. Watch for announcements.
If you'd like to take the SAT outside of school, please ask Mr. Howe first. He may be able to get you the test for free!

This test is an alternative to the SAT, but it must be taken on a Saturday outside of school. The testing sites are the same as the SAT.
December 9th, 2023
February 10th, 2024
April 13th, 2024