Financial help information
This page is to inform you of how to afford the cost of college/university. Have a chat with Mr. Howe about the various opportunities that await you.
The Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) gives over $6000 a year toward your college goals. This year (24-25), the form will open after December 1!
All US citizens are eligible for this service. In fact, it is a requirement for most colleges/universities.. Click here for more information about FAFSA.
The FSA ID is the key for you to fill out the FAFSA and must be done prior to filling it out. BOTH parent (contributor) and student MUST have an FSA ID to get in to FAFSA. We will have workshops at school for you and your parents to get FSA IDs.
Click here for a video about how to complete your FSA ID.
Florida Scholarships/Bright Futures
This website gives details about scholarships exclusive to Florida residents. You need to fill out the Florida Financial Aid Application(FFAA) to get any of these scholarships.
Fast Web
This website has targeted scholarship searches and resources for financial aid decisions. It can also look for colleges by budget and give information about part time work while studying.
Big Future
Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion.
Click on this link to access the information.
FAFSA Workshops 24-25
There will be in-person FAFSA workshops at Team Success and at other high schools in the county. Please watch this space for more information.
Scholarship List
Millions of dollars go unclaimed every year because no one applied! However, the huge scholarship list is here! These links are the same from year to year, but keep in mind their due dates and deadlines. I usually send out reminders to remind you of them as well
Click on the big button below link to discover more!