High School Graduation Requirements
4 Credits English Language Arts (ELA)
ELA honors, AP, AICE, IB and dual enrollment courses may satisfy this requirement.
4 Credits Mathematics
One of which must be Algebra I and one of which must be Geometry.
3 Credits Science
One of which must be Biology I, two of which must be equally rigorous science courses.
Two of the three required credits must have a laboratory component.
3 Credits Social Studies
1 credit in World History
1 credit in U.S. History
0.5 credit in U.S. Government
0.5 credit in Economics
1 Credit Fine, Performing or Practical Arts
0.5 Credit in Personal Financial Literacy
1 Credit Physical Education
HOPE or a combination of Personal Fitness and another PE course
7.5 Elective Credits
1 Online Course Within the 24 Credits. ​
Students must meet the state assessment requirements Click here to learn more.
Students must earn a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.